St Oswald’s Church is a charity registered with, and regulated by, the Charity Commissioners. Our charity number is 1135631.

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) members are the trustees and the PCC comprises of a mix of elected and co-opted members who meet 12 times a year. A number of sub-committees meet on a more regular basis to oversee church life here at St. Oswald’s.

PCC Members:
Rev Canon Sue Sheriff – Vicar
Bryan Milner – Church Warden
Sue Baughan – PCC Lay Chair

Elected Members:

Pippa Ensor

Tricia Giltrap – Safeguarding Officer

Heidi Folland – Minutes Secretary

Angela McClean – PCC Secretary

Suzanne Esson

Andrew Wilson

Kathryn Wells

Michael Courcier

Carolyn Blain

Victoria Burles

Louise Wheatley


The Annual Parochial Church Meeting was held in April 2022. The Trustees’ Annual Report is available to read or download.

The Revised Church Electoral Roll 2021 is now available and is required to be available to the public. A copy can be viewed here